Rachel Norway is internationally-known for her God-given abilities as a born intuitive Psychic & Medium. She is recognized from the Best Psychic Directory and Famous Psychics. Rachel can be seen on Radio & TV such as The Travel Channel, BIO Channel, South Magazine, Island Packet, Mix Talk Radio, FOX News, and she is the founder of Spirit World Radio. She is also known for her accuracy rate. She allows herself to be an intercessor to communicate with your loved ones and spirit guides on the other side for answers from loved ones who have crossed over, your everyday life, your life purpose, career, moving, finance love, relationship outcomes, dreams, family, health, pregnancy, lbgt, and court cases.
She is a spiritual advisor for your healing, love, relationships, affairs, sex advice, gender identity, pregnancy predictions, life's purpose, meditations, introducing you to your spirit guides and to better communicate with God, past life, dreams, health, detailed career moves, finance, missing people, murder cases, and paranormal entity solutions for a home or building. All of these subjects are included in your reading just ask.
Rachel meditates before each client to ask for the highest most accurate advice that needs to be shared with you. She uses a combination of her spiritual gifts connected with the Ministry of the Word as her gift of Prophecy, Discernings of Spirits, Word of Knowlege, Word of Wisdom, and is known for bringing miracles, spiritual counsel and intuition along with translations from the other side in order to translate messages to you and for your life.
She can also use Tarot if requested. She has over 25 years of experience with the Rider Waite Tarot as just a focal point using the card images with her intuition to pick up details about circumstances in your life. Rachel has worked with clients worldwide and loves all backgrounds, all sexual orientations, cultures, and each situation in your life is handled with care and compassion.
Rachel is a proud member of the International Psychic Association.
Rachel does not sugar coat readings and is a direct reader. She will tell you what she authentically hears being clariaudient, and feels being clairsentient. and guidance for love, relationship, work, financial, and career questions.
Norway hosts radio shows at Spirit World Radio. Rachel's paranormal investigation experience and mediumship skills enable her to communicate with spirits who give her information about why they dwell in a particular home, building, and other locations.
Rachel Norway has experience as an actress with documentary reality style TV, vocalist, and radio show production.
She has been featured on FOX News, WSAV, Bio Channel & News includes Savannah NOW Magazine, SC Island Packet, BlogTalkRadio, TheMixTalk Radio, I-Tunes Radio and is the founder and host of Spirit World Radio. Rachel Norway has been on numerous documentary style TV shows. MPPT Productions called, "My Ghost Story" The on-film interview was about her career as a born psychic showing through film shocking proof of the afterlife with one of her clients Angela Pierce. She has been interviewed on numerous news stories about lottery predictions and predictions for future growth with local ports within the city of Savannah, Georgia and even predicted Barak Obama as our president of the United States. In Dec 2011, she had done a newspaper interview about the 11:11 phenomenon for the Island Packet Newspaper for South Carolina.
Rachel travels across the globe to learn and evolve in different steps to graduate to higher states of consciousness to prepare herself and recharge to be able to focus on her clients at all times when conducting a reading.
She founder of her own radio show,a singer song writer, psychic, medium, and spiritual counselor. She is happily married. She knew the moment she met him that he was her soulmate and strives to help others find their soulmates. She is also a huge animal lover.